Diego Gabriel Leon Peña

About Me

Hi there! I'm Diego Gabriel León Peña, a passionate and highly creative software developer with over 7 years of experience in the industry. I love working on innovative and high-quality solutions that help people solve problems and achieve their goals efficiently. I started my professional career as a software developer at the age of 19 in Banco Sol and since then, I have been working on challenging projects that have improved my skills and knowledge in software development. I have led important projects such as the implementation of WhatsApp Banking and the MiCredito credit platform at Banco de Crédito de Bolivia, and I have also won a hackathon on ChatBots. In addition, I was Server, Application, and IT Infrastructure Administrator, where I led important implementation projects and management of DevOps tools, integration of platforms with VMWARE, and certificate management. In 2020, I founded Sammy Bot, an emergency startup that provided free medical services to people affected by COVID-19 in Bolivia. The project was a resounding success, with over 150 doctors nationwide and over 100,000 patients treated. In my free time, I enjoy working on personal projects and collaborating with the developer community to share knowledge and keep up to date with the latest technology trends. I'm available to work on challenging and exciting projects. If you want to know more about my professional experience and projects, please visit my website https://www.diegoleon.me. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you soon!

  • Age 28
  • Current Location La Paz, Bolivia
  • E-Mail mail@diegoleon.me
  • Cellphone Number +13057962129

What i do?


I have led various projects and teams, overcoming various challenges, managing and directing them to the fulfillment of goals under various methodologies.

Design Web and Desktop Applications

I have a lot of experience in developing both desktop and web applications. In addition, I have also worked on projects for "Mobile" applications.

IT Infrastructure Administration

I have experience in the management and administration of servers, applications, databases and other infrastructure, both "On Cloud" and "On Premise".


A few years ago, I built a framework for messaging automation based on WhatsApp (No official) which I use in various projects. I also worked on WhatsApp for Bussiness Official API integration projects. Like this one, do a variety of other automation-based projects.


Experience and Jobs

2022 - 2023
CH2 Solutions - FrontSteps

Senior Software Engineer

As a Developer at FronSteps, I was responsible for developing and supporting web and desktop applications using technologies like C#, .NET Framework, Microservices, SQL Server, and Entity Framework. My role involved working with cross-functional teams and using agile methodologies to deliver quality software solutions.

2021 - 2022
NICE InContact

Senior Software Developer

I developed and supported web and desktop applications for business communications using C#, .NET Framework, Microservices, SQL Server, Entity Framework, and .NET. I ensured that the applications were scalable, reliable, and aligned with industry standards.

2020 - 2021
Tercer Elemento S.R.L.

CEO - StartUp - Sammy Bot

Startup that I founded in the middle of the pandemic in response to SARS-COV-2, applying the concepts of EMR and EHR.

2020 - 2021

Member of the Departmental Emergency Operations Center

In this position, together with my team, I carried out the transmission of data and information on COVID-19, for decision-making by national and departmental authorities.

2020 - 2021

Member of the Departmental Scientific Committee against COVID-19

In this position, I made contributions and analyzes on the situation that was presented at that time regarding COVID-19, being an important part of the decision-making committee.

2019 - 2021
Banco de Credito de Bolivia

Devops Engineer Manager

Position in which I worked as implementer of the culture and administrator of the tools for DevOps.

2019 - 2021
Banco de Credito de Bolivia S.A.

Server, Applications and IT Infrastructure Manager

Position in which I work in this great company, being part of the team that manages the infrastructure nationwide.

2017 - 2019
Banco de Credito de Bolivia S.A.

Software Developer

Position in which I was part of various teams developing software for this great company.

2015 - 2017
Banco Solidario S.A.

Software Developer

Position in which I was part of various teams developing software for this great company.

2014 - 2016

Satellite Decoding Equipment Vendor and Installer

Position in which I fell away carrying out the sale and installation of various satellite equipment for TV / Internet reception and other media.


2016 - Current
Universidad Tecnológica Boliviana

University Studies

University where I study systems engineering career.

2011 - 2014
CBA - Lingua

English Language

Institutions where I studied the English language, I finished with a scholarship.

2010 - 2013
Holy Trinity School

High School

School in which I attended high school.

2007 - 2009
Educational Unit A.M.I.G. Chaco

School Intermediate

Educational unit where the intermediate between primary and secondary school is completed.

2002 - 2006
Holy Trinity School

Elementary School

School in which I attended elementary school.

Secondary Language - English









Coding Skills



React Native


.NET Core C#




.NET Framework C#




Desing Skills

UX/UI Design


Graphic Design


Web Desing


Mobile Apps Design



  • Agile Methodologies
  • Social Media
  • Social Networking
  • Scrum
  • Git
  • DevOps
  • Flexibility



Infracode Project .NET Core 3.1

Resume Online for Everybody

Resume Online for Everybody .NET 5

Resume Online for Everybody
.Net Base

.Net Base .Net 5

.Net Base

LCMDB .NETCore 3.1 and .NET 5



La Paz, Bolivia



Freelance Available!

How Can I Help You?